What you need: Your beautiful self and massage oil/coconut oil.
When: At any time when you feel that you can give yourself 10 minutes of loving presence.
To be able to connect to your sexuality your heart needs to be open.
To connect to your heart, your breasts, your body and soul.
Activate your heart chakra.
Breast massage can increase self love.
Lead to improved circulation.
Can be a stress relief.
Can flush out toxins.
Relieve tension
Activate and awaken nerve endings that can make your breast super orgasmic
Increase blood flow.
Awaken your nipples.
Release oxytocin that is the love hormone.
(Some can even experience orgasm from breast stimulation)
Ask yourself when you want to do it and what you need first to feel safe and more comfortable?
I invite you to move, dance, shake before to get out of your head and into your body.
Grab your oil.
Find a quiet, private space. (It’s powerful to do this in front of a mirror)
Set the space if you want. Lit a candle, music, incense.
Grab a journal and a pen as well if you feel for journaling afterwards.
Turn your phone on silent and tell the people you live with that you don’t want to be disturb. Feeling safe is the key in this practice.
Take off your clothes on your upper body.
When you are ready set a timer to 10 minutes.
Start with massaging your neck and your shoulder for a minute to relax and drop into your body.
(You can do one breast at a time or do them both together one movement at a time)
Start massaging your breast with your palms in a circular motion starting from the nipple and move outwards.
Massage them down on the outside and up on the inside.
Massage them and push them apart and massage them from the outside and push them together.
Use two fingers under your breast to massage the skin where your bra/sport top/bikini normally sits to relieve tensions.
Do what feels good and feel right for you.
Mix between using both hands to massage one breast at a time at times if you decide to massage both at the same time.
Make this a sensual practice.
Touch yourself in a way that feels good.
Honour your breasts and your heart.
Visualise how you release tension and stagnant energy.
Visualise your heart opening and receiving pleasure and self love.
Nourish your breasts.
Feel free to extend the practice if you feel that you want more time after the alarm goes off.
Notice and reflect afterwards for a few minutes, journal if you want: How was this practice for you? What is your relationship to your breasts? What did you feel? Why was it uncomfortable? Did you notice any change in your physical body along the way? (Relaxed more, tensed more, could you see your emotions leaving your physical body?) Share with your own words what you are feeling.
Celebrate yourself for doing this practice! Yay! Ask yourself and your body what do I need right now after the practice? Tea? More journaling? Dance? Walk? Hug? (You can hug yourself too) Gym? Self pleasure? Dinner? Call a friend and share about your experience or feel free to share in the facebook group. I would love to hear what came up for you.
I highly recommend that you do this practice regularly. Make it a habit in the shower for a few minutes, in the morning or before self pleasure. Invite your partner/lover to touch your breasts more if you would like that and touch your own breasts a few times throughout the day and just love yourself a little bit more.
Short version: 5 minutes shakti shaking, 5 minutes movement/dancing, 3 minute breathing, 3 minute of mindfulness with a hand on your heart and a hand on your womb, 14 minute self pleasure. (Invitation is minimum 7 minutes of touch without touching your genitals)
Long version: 15 minute Shakti shake/dance/, 10 minute breathework, a few minutes of mindfulness and 30 minute self pleasure (Minimum 7 minutes of touch without touching your genitals)
What you need: Your beautiful self, music and maybe massage oil/coconut oil/lube.
When: When you can dedicate yourself minimum 30 minutes of undisturbed loving presence. I would guess you have to schedule this practice? 🙂
Shakti shaking/Moving/breathing can help with (Shakti is the feminine energy)
Helping you loosen up.
Move stagnant energy in your body.
Release tension and stored emotions.
Activate life force energy.
Help you get out of your head.
Bring your awareness inwards.
Helps with concentration.
Enhance sexual energy.
Awaken your creative energy.
Mental clarity.
Self pleasure can lead to
Increase self love and body esteem.
Helps you connect to your body.
Boost immune system.
Stress relief.
Pleasure and potentially orgasm.
Releases feel good hormones.
Improved body awareness.
Increased gratitude for your body.
Appreciation and connection to your pussy/yoni/vulva.
Ask yourself when you want to do it and what you need first to feel safe and more comfortable?
Grab your oil/coconut oil/lube and put it next to where you are going to be.
Find a quiet, private space.
Set the space if you want. Lit a candle or incense.
Choose two to three songs for the dance.
Grab a journal and a pen as well if you feel for journaling afterwards.
Turn your phone on silent and tell the people you live with that you don’t want to be disturb. Feeling safe is the key in this practice, again ask yourself what you can do to feel more safe and comfortable right now?
Sit down and put one hand on your heart, one on your womb and set your intention for this practice.
Start the shakti shake and shake your body for 5 minutes to the music. Shake your legs, arms, body and hands. Move your hips and rock them back and forth. Shake your whole body and allow sounds to come out of you. Feel how your whole body becomes alive.
After 5 minutes of shaking (Please continue if you feel that there are things coming up and that you have more tension to release and move out of your body) start your intuitive movement and let your body move as it wants for 5 minutes. Let your body lead.
Set a timer to 3 minutes and do 3 minutes of mindful breathing.
Set a timer and sit in silence for 3 minutes with a hand on your heart and one on your womb and just notice what you are feeling in your body. Allow your emotions to come up and approach everything with curiosity.
Move over to where you are going to do the self touch practice.
Set a timer again if you want to 7 minutes and start touching your whole body. (Highly recommended that you do this naked or at least in your underwear so you get to connect to your skin. Start touching yourself in the same way as in your morning practice.
Move over to more sensual touch. Make love to your whole body.
Touch your whole body like you would like a lover to touch you.
Stroke your face very sensually, your inner thighs, your stomach and everywhere.
Tease yourself.
Touch around the genitalia area.
Maybe grab, pull, tap, squeeze, tickle, stroke gently, use your nails.
Again, make love to yourself.
After 7 minutes if it feels right you can start self pleasuring your pussy/yoni/vulva.
Check in with you/her first so it’s a yes. (Today might not be the day and if it’s not just stay with touching your whole body or hold yourself.
Put one hand on your heart again and one hand cupping her.
Feel the heat from your hand over her.
You can spread your fingers and put the middle fingers between your lips and just rest it there.
Visualise sensing love from your heart and down your finger to your pussy.
Breathe energy through your body, arm and finger into your pussy.
Hold there for a bit and what are you noticing?
When you are ready allow yourself to follow pleasure and let your body guide you how to touch yourself and your pussy.
Explore her, touch her with curiosity, touch her with tenderness and love.
Explore new ways and areas and see if you can find new ways to touch yourself that brings you pleasure.
Massage the lips, spread them apart, pull them a bit and activate all the nerve endings.
Notice what you are feeling, thinking and experiencing.
Is she starting to get wet? Is she starting to get swollen?
Explore the area between the clitoris and the entrance.
Explore touching your clitoris in different ways. (Rubbing, tapping, sliding fingers/hands over, circles, faster, slower, up or down. What do you actually like?)
You might stay with external touch or she might invite you to go inside.
Ask her first.
Notice how it feels when you ask her if she is ready to be penetrated?
Can you feel sensations? Tingles? How does she almost create a magnetic feeling ready to suck in your finger?
Remember if she is a maybe she is a NO. You might need more time with external touch and come back later or you might need to come back to her another day.
If you are going inside.
Slowly, slowly insert your finger and just rest it there for a minute.
What are you feeling?
Follow pleasure and allow your body to guide you how to touch yourself and your pussy.
Feel free to keep going as long as you want. (How often has your body been this activated? Maybe take your time and make the most of it)
Finish the practice how it feels most right for you.
I invite one hand on your heart and one cupping your pussy.
Maybe 2 hands on your heart or two hands on your pussy?
Maybe you want to hold yourself and hug yourself?
Thank yourself and thank your body.
Thank your pussy/yoni/vulva.
Breathe in gratitude.
Feel love, gratitude and life force energy spreading all around in your body.
Breathe love into your heart.
Feel how love is spreading all over your body.
Smile and wiggle your body.
Celebrate yourself.
Visualise your intention for the course.
Visualise yourself where you want to be in the future.
Visualise yourself how you want to be in the future.
Feel her, feel that version of you in your body.
See her, feel her in your heart.
She is you.
She is you now.
It can be really powerful afterwards to look at yourself in the mirror and send some extra love to yourself. Sway in front of the mirror and say: I love and accept you exactly as you are.
Celebrate yourself for doing this practice! Yay! Ask yourself and your body what do I need now after the practice? Tea? Journaling? Dance? Walk? Hug? (You can hug yourself too) Gym? Self pleasure? Dinner? Call a friend and share about your experience or feel free to share in the facebook group. I would love to hear what came up for you.
Notice and reflect afterwards for a few minutes, journal if you want: How was this practice for you? What did you feel? Why was it uncomfortable? Did you notice any change in your physical body along the way? (Relaxed more, tensed more, could you see your emotions leaving your physical body?) Share with your own words what you are feeling.
Do I have to write that I highly recommend that you do this practice regularly?
Fuck yes!!!!
I am celebrating you Queeeeeen for taking the time and making love to yourself. You are worthy of pleasure and you deserve to be turned on by life!
Like any dietary, wellness, fitness and health programs, if you have ANY underlying health concerns, are pregnant, diabetic heart and lung concerns, check with your GP, specialist or other consultant before you do any breathing, shaking or dancing. They can advise you, how to adapt and slowly build on any fitness program, from walking, yoga, gym and other activities.