Stop fake orgasm

Are you struggling to experience orgasm right now?

Or do you not orgasm with your partner and only alone?

Are you in a relationship or dating someone and you have faked the whole time and want to stop?

So many women are faking orgasms due to different reasons and one of the main reasons is that we don’t want to hurt our partners’ feelings. The problem is when we are faking, we are not signalling that something is missing for us to experience orgasm. Our partner is not responsible for our orgasm but of course they are a big part of intimate experience. When we are faking they will not know that the two of us together need to do something different for us to climax. (More time, more trust and safety, different kind of pressure/movement, need stimulations somewhere else, need your mind included, need a different space/privacy, need to clear your mind before etc)

If you have been faking in the past and in a stage in your life where you are dating and are going to meet someone new this is a perfect opportunity to start fresh and stop faking.

It’s ok to say: I want to take away some pressure and let you know that I have a hard time experience orgasms with someone new, I still love foreplay and sex.

I Instead of spending the whole experience thinking that there is something wrong with you and that I can’t cum, I can’t cum, I can’t cum, when should I fake? I don’t want to hurt his feelings, I don’t want him/her to feel that they can’t satisfy me or that I am taking too long, or they must be bored now. You can now surrender to pleasure and just enjoy the experience. Your partner is not going to chase orgasm and hopefully they will still do everything they can to give you as much pleasure as possible.

 You can’t focus on both pleasure and sensation and at the same time be thinking that you are taking too long. You can only focus on one of them so choose wisely.

Faking orgasm leads to this empty feeling afterwards and deep sadness. You are worthy of pleasure and you are worthy of orgasms. Even if it shouldn’t be the main focus during sex it is still something truly amazing and you deserve a life full of orgasms and magic moments.

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