Why men LOVE morning sex! Let’s talk about the testosterone cycle

When a man wakes up in the morning his testosterone is the highest it will be all day. This is why men love sex in the morning even if you are half asleep and your breath smells like a dragon. High testosterone often means that he is more focused, sharp, energetic, primal and maybe even a bit aggressive. You can see this if he loses his shit easier from spilling coffee or if he can’t find his keys in the morning. Due to the high testosterone and  a slightly temper some men prefer time alone in the morning to wake up. Let him read the paper, go for a jog or listen to his favourite podcast.

During the day the testosterone level goes down to mid grade and this makes him more suitable to work together with others. He still has a lot of energy and his hormones are more balanced which leads to him being a better listener and more open to talk and share. Lunch dates are great because of this.

The testosterone levels are lowest in the evening. In many cases this leads to men being more nurturing and caring in the evening and they tend to agree more to what you say. Great time to ask for what you want

As always everyone is different and of course men are nurturing in the morning and can lose their shit in the evening. Of course there are men who LOVE sex at any time during the day and there are men who doesn’t feel for sex at all. You know this by now from my writings that there is no right or wrong, no one size fits all or one answer to any questions around human sexuality. Testosterone has an huge impact on men’s libido and it is one of the first things I get them to check if something isn’t quite right

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