Love your sexual fantasies and desires, they are a part of who you are.


Fuck what normal society think is acceptable. I love my fantasies and desires. ⠀

Instagram might shadow ban me on regular basis but I will keep inspire people to honour their own desires and I will keep sharing real sex education and body positive inspiration. ⠀

I will keep encourage people to invest in their intimate relationships and make intimacy, deep connection and great fucking sex a priority.  ⠀

Because I’ve seen the statistics of what happens to relationships when they stop kissing passionately on regular basis, stop having s€x or stop care about each other’s sexual needs. ⠀

It’s not pretty! ⠀

Talking about sex is not easy! ⠀

Expressing our needs, desires and what we like and want in bed is not easy! ⠀

I get it, I struggle too at times. Being vulnerable and open to someone we care about is scary. ⠀

But you know what’s more scary? ⠀

The amount of people who roll over in bed after sex and feel empty, feel lonely, feel that they are not worthy of pleasure and that their needs aren’t valued. ⠀

It is a sensitive topic and we are worried about hurting our partners feelings or being judged. ⠀

Trust me learning to talk about sex is like learning any other skill. ⠀

It is challenging in the beginning and then it just gets easier and easier and before you know it, you discuss your sex life just as much as you discuss what you are going to cook for dinner every day with your partner. ⠀

If you need help around this please send me a DM and we can talk about how I can help you