1:1, Couples, Groups, In Person Or Online


I invite you on a transformative journey with breathwork, a gateway to personal healing, empowerment, and a more enriching life.

Breathwork has been a life-changing experience for me and many of my clients. Now, I invite you on a transformative journey with breathwork, a gateway to personal healing, empowerment, and a more enriching life. I approach breathwork from a trauma-informed perspective, emphasising the creation of a safe space for you while focusing on the connection between the mind, body, soul, and the profound wisdom within the soma for holistic healing and growth.

Breathwork isn’t merely about inhaling and exhaling; it’s a powerful practice that aligns the body, mind, soul, and spirit. Through intentional breath techniques, we move past the thinking brain, and access the innate wisdom held within. This unlocks a journey towards healing, self-discovery, and personal development. Trauma is often stored in the body, and breathwork offers a safe and effective method releasing these stored emotions and stagnant energy, leading to a sense of relief and healing.

Many people find themselves stuck in life because they haven’t engaged the body in their personal development or healing journey. Solely discussing problems, challenges, trauma, or your unwanted behavioural patterns won’t resolve them. Bring the body onboard with breathwork and get to the core of what it is that is keeping you stuck in life.

Every breathwork experience is unique. Here are some thing you might experience:

  • Deeper connection to yourself and your body.
  • Liberate stuck emotions, release blockages, and cleanse stagnant energy.
  • Clear fear, shame, guilt, anger, and pain, returning to a state of love and emotional harmony.
  • Access your inner power and your authentic voice.
  • Nervous system regulation and relaxation.
  • Cultivate inner peace and a tranquil mind, enhancing productivity and creativity.
  • Somatic healing without entangling in past narratives and mental stories.
  • Embrace the depth of embodied wisdom and truth, fostering a renewed sense of trust and surrender to your body’s wisdom.
  • Establish a connection with your higher self, unlocking the potential for a heart-opening experience and a sense of returning home.
  • Improve sleep, nurture a healthy libido, and elevate overall well-being.
  • Cultivate increased self-love and appreciation for your body, while also gaining better management of anger, reactions, and stress.
  • Improve sleep quality, cultivate a healthy libido, and enhance overall well-being.
  • Experience full-body orgasms, heightened pleasure, and the awakening of your inner energy (shakti).

The breathwork session is tailored after your intentions/goals/desires and can be done alone or together with a friend/partner or in groups. The experience comes with an intention setting call before and support afterwards for a gentle integration.

"I became more embodied and my heart was more open"

"I had a deep, beautiful experience with the cacao & breathwork ceremony run by Alexandra. Before going into it I felt nervous due to a few past experiences I’ve had with breathwork practises. But it has been recommended so highly, I decided to give it a go. The experience itself was beautiful, healing and deep. Alex held space for me and didn't push me harder than we agreed beforehand. She was generous, created a bespoke playlist for me, and took time to talk things out and integrate afterwards. The feeling of deep groundedness, being strongly centred in my body without the use of my mind - was incredible. Life became more beautiful, and my heart was more open. I then realised this is how life is meant to be lived. I also became more embodied as a result. A situation I've been struggling with psychically also cleared up instantly, as if by magic! Really impressed with the results. After integrating a week, I’ve realised a permanent shift has taken place within me, I’ve released a very old layer and grounded into my body more than ever before. Overall I had a wonderful experience and I would highly recommend it!"

Belinda, Sydney

"I felt safe and could let go of stored emotions"

"Thank you so much for holding space for me. I honestly felt at ease from the moment I stepped foot into your space. I’m not sure I would have been able to let go of my stored emotions if someone else was guiding me through the breathwork. I felt safe, trusting, relaxed & confident that you were going to hold space in the best way possible. You are an amazing human with such a beautiful soul. I have so much respect & appreciation for you."

Simon, Sydney

"I cannot rate her love and efforts - enough!!"

"This woman is an incredible soul leader! I have been blessed to experience many sides with Alex, both within her business, her workshops and therapy spaces and through self-development work. I cannot rate her love and efforts - enough!! Strong, inspiring space holding women like Alex need to be seen and acknowledged! I hold you so close to my heart and will always keep celebrating you from the side lines as you continue in leading women all across world."

Julia, Sydney

i welcome all of you, exactly as you are.

My greatest strength lies in creating a strong, safe, and compassionate space, an environment where my clients feel completely safe to breathe, feel, and heal. I truly believe that a part of my purpose is to be a space-holder, and it is through the healing of my own challenges, past trauma, and years of supporting clients that I have developed and expanded the capacity to hold an exceptionally secure and safe space.

The impacts of breathwork on our intimate lives, sexuality, and orgasms is remarkable. By unravelling deep-seated tensions, releasing stuck emotions, and unwinding trauma stored within the body, breathwork clears the path for a deeper connection to your own body, sensuality, and sexuality. It also facilitates a deeper understanding of your desires and emotions, leading to a more fulfilling, satisfying, and connected sex life.

Ready to breathe together or do you have any questions?

I facilitate breathwork sessions both online and in person in Sydney East.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Love Alexandra

Connection call

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