Feminine Embodiment Mentorship

She Awakens

Come home to your body & feminine essence.

This mentorship is for the full-spectrum, unapologetic woman who is ready to dive deep, do the inner work to heal, awaken and reclaim her sensuality. It’s for the woman who is ready to experience true liberation and step into her innate power.

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your head, overwhelmed, and disconnected from your body, heart, and sensuality?

Do you feel a deep, unshakable knowing that there is more for you in this life? More to Love? More to Sex?

This is not for the woman who wants a quick fix or someone to save her. It’s for the woman who is here to ignite her inner fire and dance with the rhythm of her hearts desires. This journey will guide you out of your head and into your body so you can soften into your feminine essence and allow your inner wisdom to lead. You will learn how to heal yourself and receive tools and practices that will serve you for a lifetime, guiding you towards the woman you were born to be and what you are here to create.

Whether you seek to heal from the past, cultivate self-love, attract a healthy masculine man, experience deep intimacy, or embody your fullest potential,

My Love, this is the path for you.

We will Explore

some or all areas during our mentorship

  • Embodiment as a way of life
  • Regulating the nervous system
  • Processing emotions
  • Healing and connecting with your menstrual cycle
  • Cultivating inner safety
  • Somatic healing tools
  • Embracing the softness of your feminine essence
  • Tantric principles
  • Understanding masculine and feminine energies, polarity, inner & outer union
  • Body Image & sensual Confidence
  • Opening your heart to vulnerability
  • Reclaiming your voice
  • Unapologetic self expression & creativity
  • Explore desire, personal power and purpose
  • Boundaries, and effective communication
  • Embracing your sensuality, sexual liberation, and sexual healing
  • Pleasure, arousal, orgasms, kinks,
  • Inner child healing, mother, father, and sister wounds
  • Healing from shame, guilt, and fear
  • Awakening libido and your life force energy
  • Navigating dating and relationships
  • Cultivating deeper intimacy with yourself, life and others
  • Awakening the wild woman within
  • Sacred sexuality
  • Attachment styles


"Alexandra was an absolute angel sent from heaven! Her knowledge & experiences totally changed my mindset, how I see myself & how I approach life now. A priceless experience with an amazing mentor giving us women our power back!"

Mel, Australia


"I had the most wonderful experience with this programme! The outcome: I am in love with my myself – my body! It’s so powerful and I can feel it everyday now. I have landed more and more and found a curious amazement about my body, my pleasure and my voice. So thankful for this journey and Alexandra, the beautiful soul, who guided me through! <3"

Katharina, Germany

"I always thought that I wasn't a sexual person but my journey with Alexandra and the MVBP course has helped me discover my sexual energy. The course encouraged me and supported me to explore my sexuality and my pleasure in a way I never would have on my own. It's given me tools, the language and the self trust I need to explore and grow my voice my body and my pleasure!"

Gabrielle, Sydney

What is Feminine Embodiment

& why somatic work?

Feminine embodiment is a way of living in deep connection with your body and your true self. It involves integrating the mind, body, emotions, energy, and spirit. This journey emphasises the importance of a holistic approach and a bottom-up method to healing where the body leads the way. Over the last decade, we have discovered that true healing requires working with the nervous system and embracing somatic practices. These practices create lasting change by reconnecting you with the language of the body allowing you to heal from painful past experiences and emotional wounds. Through feminine embodiment, you can learn to cultivate inner peace, embrace both your powerhouse woman and your softness, be a successful career woman and still be able to surrender to a man, and unlock your full potential, ultimately living a life of purpose that nourishes and serves the woman within.

This Work

has changed my life

This is not just something I studied or taught after a brief certification. I have been devoted to this path for many years, walking it daily and breathing it in every moment. I am not just “doing” things for social media, the tantric and feminine embodiment path is my way of being. This profound work has given me my life back, and I am passionate about guiding other women on this journey.

"When a woman awakens, she becomes unstoppable. Her power, her love, her light, these are the forces that change the world."

The Mentorship


This mentorship program is your tailored pathway. Choose between 3, 6, or 12-month options, each providing a compassionate, supportive, and strong safe space for exploration, growth, transformation, magic, and healing.

Each mentorship includes personalised 1:1 coaching sessions, daily, weekly, and monthly home practices, meditations, workbooks, journaling questions, and personally designed embodiment and somatic tools/exercises tailored to your individual needs after each session. This practices will help you integrate the teachings into your body and life.

You will gain access to my online academy, where you can find embodiment video practices, audios, meditations, workbooks, breathwork exercises, and other 1-2 hour pre recorded workshops. During your mentorship, you can attend my online workshops at no extra cost or access their recordings at your convenience.

Plus, other bonuses will be discussed during our connection call.

"I became magnetic!"

"After Alexandras program I totally shifted my energy, I am connected to myself, my pussy, my sexuality and I became magnetic for a partner with whom I allow myself to experience and receive pleasure from. I’ve learned how to communicate my boundaries, to be present in my body, relax, release and let go of trauma and past experiences that doesn’t serve me in the present moment. Also some good tips about giving pleasure which were appreciated :)) Was an intense journey which I committed myself to and the safe container that Alexandra created took me to the next level in my life journey. I feel blessed, grateful and honoured for being part of this program and all my takeaways"

Anonymous woman, Australia

Your body is calling you home

Dare to dance with the rhythm of your own heartbeat and revel in the ecstasy of being fully alive. Reclaim your sovereignty by reconnecting to the wisdom of your body and the sacredness of your desires.

Connection call

Submit the form below to book your free connection call with Alexandra.