Practices to awaken your sensuality and bring more pleasure into your life so you can be a liberated, empowered woman living a life on purpose.

Start your day…

Start every day with one song and awaken your body. Touch yourself, stretch, stroke yourself and hold yourself. Touch your heart, your breasts, cup your pussy and connect to yourself. Love yourself, love your body, be thankful and think about all the good things your body is going to take you through that day. Feel how your heart is beating for you, feel how your lungs are breathing air for you to get through your day and all the amazing opportunities that come with a new day. If you don’t like this first thing in the morning, try to do it during the day. One song to move and connect to yourself makes a big difference. 

Being present:

Throughout the day, notice when you aren’t present and see if you can bring yourself back to your body. This can be at a redlight, in the line in a food court, when you are playing with your kids, cooking dinner, showering… So maybe a few times during the day, try to acknowledge when you are not present, and see if you can bring yourself back to this moment and stay there for a minute. The more you can do this outside the bedroom, the easier it will get to be present inside the bedroom. 

Mirror exercise 1:

Get naked in front of a full body mirror and scan yourself from head to toes. Scan every body part and find the parts you struggle with. Find where you are holding tension.  It might even be parts that you hate. See if you can remember a memory or experience, when it started, or reflect on why you don’t like those parts of yourself. Start to love them, touch them a bit more extra every day. Ask your partner or future lover to touch those parts you don’t love even more. If there is tension somewhere because someone else said something in the past. Feel into if you need to carry that with you for the rest of your life or if it’s time to let go of what’s no longer serving you. 

Mirror exercise 2:

Get a hand mirror or sit in front of your mirror naked, and have a good look at your own genitals. Stay there until you are comfortable with yourself. It might be 5 minutes; it might take 10 times. Your pussy is made of skin, fat, blood etc just like any other body part. There is no difference. Get comfortable with your own genitals so you can enjoy pleasure on a whole new level. Your body is beautiful and you are perfect. (I invite you to self-pleasure in front of the mirror so you can watch yourself and see with your eyes that pleasure is for you, your pussy is yours, your body is yours, the pleasure is yours. 


2 minutes of slow deep breathing in through your nose and out of your mouth can make wonders to help you drop into your body and be present. This allows energy and pleasure to flow more freely in your body. Practice this at least once a day to remind yourself to be present for just a minute or two. 

The breath of fire

One of the most powerful breathing techniques out there. Try 1-3 minutes of rapid breathing in and out of your nose. You can gradually build this up to 15 minutes if you want to otherwise stick to a few minutes and see what change it can make for you. Some things that people clarify happens to them is: 

  • Activates the flow of energy in the body
  • Strengthen your lounges
  • Balance and strengthen your nervous system
  • Purify your blood
  • Releasing toxins from the blood and other cells. 
  • Boost immune system
  • Strengthen resistance towards addictive craving towards drugs, alcohol, sugar

Do this daily to activate your body and to allow more orgasmic energy and life force energy to flow freely in your body. Give a go in the morning or try it before sex and self-pleasure

Health warning: rapid breathing can lead to Hyper-ventilation.

Like any dietary,  wellness, fitness and health programs, if you have ANY underlying health concerns, are pregnant, diabetic heart and lung concerns, check with your GP, specialist or other consultant. They can advise you, how to adapt and slowly build on any fitness program, from walking, yoga, gym and other activities.

Hyper-ventillation, in general terms is a counter-intuitive, potentially serious issue. 

In normal breathing, most people have what they call a “respiratory drive”, that the body calculates based on  the amount of carbon dioxide (C02) in the blood. When you exercise, the body metabolises sugar and creates, amongst other things excess C02.

With more C02, you breathe more, not to get Oxygen in (though that’s key), your body is trying to expel the levels of CO2, way before oxygen saturations drop. An oxygen drop is more serious for the body and that triggers a secondary respiratory drive.

Signs of hyper-ventiallation may include:

  • Light-headedness
  • feeling a little dizzy
  • your lips may feel tingly. 

These are the early signs, and if you simply return to normal breathing, you will recover. Just take it easier next time.

Beyond these early signs, there may be::

  • dry mouth 
  • confusion 
  • trouble sleeping
  • muscle spasm. 

You should seek medical assistance or see your GP. 

if you experience: 

  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain 

Seek emergency help and call 000.

In most people, just the change of routine, doing new exercises will see your body adapt to its newer, healthier regime. 

Yes even rapid breathing! It wouldn’t be called “breath of fire”, if it didn’t actually impact on your body!

So, like all things, listen to your body, take it easy, introduce all health, wellness and fitness regimes carefully, and allow your body to adjust… it knows what to do.

Create a life full of pleasure:

Allow yourself to get turned on by life and allow yourself pleasure in everything you do. In that way it’s easier to allow yourself pleasure in the bedroom. Sip on your tea and really enjoy every sip. Feel the sun against your face, the material of your clothes or the silk scarf around your neck. Eat your food slowly and enjoy the flavours and texture. Slow down and feel more. Find pleasure, be sensual and allow yourself to be turned on. 

Set the space for your self-pleasure experience.

Imagine how nice the space is when you are getting a massage. You can do the same before you are going to self-pleasure to create a beautiful safe and relaxing space. You can lit a candle, clean your bedroom, burn some incense, lock the door or tell the people you live with that you are going to meditate or do an online workshop and don’t want to be disturbed. 

Play some relaxing music or sexy beats, dim the light or bring your favourite blanket to the space. You know what you like. 

Warm up, get relaxed and soften – touch your whole body.  

  • Start with touching your whole body. 
  • Spend some time to stroke and massage yourself everywhere. 
  • Get the blood going.
  • Touch yourself like you want your lover to touch you.
  • Wake up all your body parts.
  • Touch the body parts you do not love a bit extra.
  • Touch your stomach.
  • Touch your heart.
  • Massage your breast. 
  • Stroke, tickle, squeeze your inner thighs. 

Touch your pussy – your whole pussy 

  • Everywhere!
  • Outer and inner lips.
  • The area between your clitoris and the opening.
  • Play around with different touches/strokes.
  • Allow pleasure but don’t follow it or stay with the same touch/area.
  • Increase blood flow.
  • Feel the clitoris, touch around her, touch her, circle, tapping etc
  • Love and connect to your pussy.
  • Feel how you are getting aroused. 

When you are feeling ready to go inside ASK YOURSELF FIRST

  • Am I ready to go inside?
  • Are you ready to be penetrated? (asking your pussy)
  • Do I want my fingers/the wand inside now or not yet? 

Whatever works for you, saying it out loud helps you learn to express yourself, express your boundaries and ask for what you need in life. You can also ask yourself in your head but really feel into it, is she ready?

Is she open and ready to be penetrated?

You will feel the answer and if she is not ready you might need to spend more time touching yourself or maybe today isn’t the right day. 

Honour yourself and your body. 

If it is a NO listen to that and come back another day.

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