A Breathe Of Surrender With Tash Copy

We are starting by dropping in together and I will share a teaching or a bit of new wisdom to allow us all to arrive into space. 

To be able to drop deeper into our bodies so we can surrender and release we are going to start with a bit of movement before the breath work. No performance, just allowing our bodies to move, a bit of shaking or dancing to shake off the day and what’s stuck on our mind.  

Then Tash will take over and guide us through a taster breathwork session followed by a meditation for integration at the end. You can find Tash on instagram as @whole.heartedly.tash if you want to check her out beforehand. 

We will finish off with an opportunity to ask questions, if anyone wants to share anything you are more than welcome to do so and potentially a bit of journaling depending on time. 

I highly suggest if you are planning to come to this session to leave 30 minutes to an hour afterwards for self pleasure. My body is experiencing more pleasure and my most intense orgasms often happen after movement and breathwork. So I invite you to take this opportunity to explore touch and pleasure in your own space afterwards and see how the practice during the workshop impacts your pleasure experience. 

About the breathework:

The practice will be a Breathwork taster to drop out of your mind and into your body, allowing your breath to move any stagnant energy and leave you feeling present and centered.

It is recommended to not eat within 45 mins – 1 hour before the practice.

You will need a space where you won’t be disturbed, where you can lay flat (on the floor or bed). Headphones are advised. Some women like to remove their bra beforehand to allow themselves to breathe deeper without restriction. Come with an open mind ?

Please note the below contraindications, where it is advised to consult your Doctor before practicing:

Cardiovascular disease, 



Heart attack, 

High blood pressure, 


History of panic attacks, 

Seizure disorders, 

Family history of aneurysms, 


Tash is a Holistic Health Coach and Breathwork Facilitator. She is mainly helping women get their periods back with her coaching program, and she is also offering one-off breathwork sessions for all round healing. Reach out to her via instagram if you want to book a 1:1 session. @whole.heartedly.tash

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