I just wanted to remind you that your boundaries are beautiful and they should never be ignored.
Not by yourself or anyone else. Your boundaries are a part of who you are and you my dear, you are perfect.
I really hope you have the strength to respect yourself and only allow people around you who respect and honour your boundaries. I know this can be challenging at times but you should never, ever engage in a sexual activity that isn’t a full YES for you.
A maybe is a NO.
There are a million things to do in and outside of the bedroom and we all like different things, and that’s OK.
Some people like skydiving while others would never do it and we don’t shame those people. Some people like sushi and other people could never eat raw fish. We don’t shame, blame or make people who don’t like sushi feel bad. We accept them and on the days we hang out with our non sushi eating friends we go to an Italian restaurant instead, without making a big deal out of it.
Think in the same way with your desires and boundaries in the bedroom. There are a million things to do or get aroused by and there are a lot of things that would turn us off or simply just not be our thing. We are all different and there is no shame in saying NO to something that isn’t your flavour.
Your boundaries are beautiful just like you and they make you who you are