Holistic Sex
And Intimacy Coaching

Women, men, individuals & couples, in person & online

Thank you for being here,

I am so glad you have found your way to this space where I can help you experience the pleasure, sex, and intimacy you desire and deserve.

Sex and intimacy are essential aspects of our well-being, perhaps some of the most natural and normal parts of life, yet they are often surrounded by challenges and misconceptions.

That’s why sex coaching is becoming increasingly popular and I am here to guide you on a transformative journey.

Together, we will help you reconnect with your body, understand your own and your partner’s sexuality, and liberate yourself from what is holding you back, so you can elevate your sex life to the next level.

“An amazing sex life and the ability to deeply receive pleasure ignite a ripple effect that enhances every aspect of your existence.”

I am Alexandra, and I specialise in providing personalised guidance to help you let go, get out of your head and surrender to what is truly possible for you when it comes to love, sex and intimacy.

How i can Help

My services as a trauma informed holistic sex and intimacy coach address a wide range of topics and challenges, including but not limited to:

  • Low libido or lack of desire
  • Mismatched libidos in relationships
  • Performance anxiety
  • Orgasm challenges
  • Body image issues
  • Numbness and disconnection from your own body/sexuality
  • Intimate communication difficulties
  • Confidence
  • Keeping the spark alive
  • Relationships experiencing a lack of physical intimacy
  • Erectile challenges
  • Premature or delayed ejaculation
  • Feeling stuck in the mind during intimate moments
  • Navigating modern dating challenges
  • Communicating desires, boundaries, or fantasies
  • Exploring deeper intimacy and enhancing your sex life
  • Sex and intimacy after trauma
  • Curiosity about kink/BDSM, tantra, or sacred sexuality
  • Full body orgasms
  • The art of pleasuring your lover

My approach

Holistic and Trauma-Informed Care
Understanding that every individual and relationship is unique, I tailor my sessions to meet your specific needs. My approach integrates mind, body, emotions, energy, and spirit, ensuring comprehensive care.

Embodiment and Somatic Healing
With help of somatic tools and embodiment practices, I help you reconnect with your body and its sensations. This approach supports healing, enhances pleasure, and deepens your connection to yourself and your partner.

Safe and Non-Judgmental Space
I prioritise creating an environment where you feel safe to express yourself fully. My sessions are confidential, and I am here to listen and support you with compassion and without judgment.

Personalised Guidance
I work closely with you to understand your goals, desires and challenges. Whether you’re seeking to overcome specific obstacles or deepen your connection with yourself or your partner, I provide the tools and support you need.

“Trust me, after spending two decades researching sex, pleasure, and intimacy, along with professional training and education, plus having supported hundreds of people in my business, there is nothing I haven’t heard or seen. You are safe, and all parts of you are welcome here.”

What to Expect

When you work with me, you can expect a deeply personalised experience. Together, we will:

  • Explore your desires, goals and fantasies
  • Identify and overcome your intimate challenges
  • Develop communication skills for better relationships & sex
  • Learn techniques to enhance pleasure, connection and intimacy
  • Reconnect with your body and its sensations
  • Sessions might include somatic practices to help you integrate the session and deepen the connection to your own body
  • Each session comes with a follow-up email within 48 hours, offering tools, practices, and home play to help you move towards your goals
Disclaimer: The coaching sessions are entirely talk-based, with potentially a few non-sexual somatic practices, and everyone’s clothes stay on. It can still be a beautiful opportunity to learn and understand new ways of touch, sensations, communication, sexuality, and intimacy.

Why work with a sex coach?

You don’t have to do it all alone. Just like with any other area of your life, working with a coach or mentor can help you achieve results more quickly and effectively. Dr. Google cannot address your unique needs, blockages, challenges, and desires. I’m sure you’ve already tried searching for answers online, but true transformation requires personalised guidance and support.

Working with me as your sex and intimacy coach can be a fun and exciting journey. You deserve empowering support along the way. With my guidance, you’ll often leave sessions feeling inspired, lighter and excited about the future. You’ll receive proper education and practical tools tailored to help you move towards your goals and desires.

Investing in a sex coach means investing in yourself. Let’s begin this transformative journey together so you can create and experience the fulfilling sex life you’ve always wanted.

I am looking forward to speak to you soon. 

Connection call

Submit the form below to book your free connection call with Alexandra.